Mingde Zhou 周明德

Mingde Zhou 周明德

Ph.D. candidate of Power Electronics

Shanghaitech University


Mingde Zhou received his Ph.D. degree at Power Electronics and Renewable Energies Laboratory (PEARL), Shanghaitech University. His research advisor is Prof. Haoyu Wang. With the vision of building power internet with electric vehicles, his research focused on designing high-efficiency converters for electric vehicles (EVs) with compact size.

Download my resumé.

  • Resonant Converter
  • AC/DC Converter
  • Magnetic Integration
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 2021 - 2024

    ShanghaiTech University/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 2019 -2021

    ShanghaiTech University

  • B.E. in Automation, 2015 - 2019

    Shandong University

Recent Publications

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(2023). Current Zero-Crossing Prediction Based Critical Conduction Mode Control of Totem-Pole PFC Rectifiers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). An H5 Bridge Based Laddered CLLC DCX With Variable DC Link for PEV Charging Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). H5-Bridge-Based Single-Input-Dual-Output LLC Converter With Wide Output Voltage Range. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.


(2022). Temperature Sensorless Thermal Management Strategy for Interleaving Power Converters. 2022 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Himeji 2022-ECCE Asia).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). Universal Control Scheme to Achieve Seamless Dynamic Transition of Dual-Active-Bridge Converters Using Zero-Current-Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.


(2021). A SiC-Based Highly Integrated Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for PEV Charging Applications. 2021 IEEE 1st International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2021). Design Methodology to Reduce the Lumped Winding Capacitance of Spiral Winding Transformer in LLC converters. 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2021). Hierarchical modular battery equalizer with open-loop control and mitigated recovery effect. CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications.


(2020). An H5-Bridge-Based Asymmetric LLC Resonant Converter With an Ultrawide Output Voltage Range. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2020). Optimal Design of H5 Bridge Based LLC Converter with Ultra-Wide Input Voltage Range and Synchronous Rectification. 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC).

PDF Cite Project DOI

Professional Services

Jul 2019 – Present
  • Student Member, IEEE, 2019.7 - present
  • Student Member, CPSS, 2020.1 - present
  • IEEE Young Professionals, 2019.7 - present
Peer-reviewing Activities
Jul 2019 – Present
Peer-reviewing Activities
Jul 2019 – Present
Peer-reviewing Activities
Jul 2019 – Present
Peer-reviewing Activities
Jul 2019 – Present
Peer-reviewing Activities
Jul 2019 – Present

Teaching and Volunteer Experiences

Teaching Assistant
Feb 2021 – Jun 2021

Responsibilities include:

  • Prepare, grade, and guide homework/project;
  • Lead and teach project experiments;
  • Communicate with students to solve their problems, and help them to improve.
Jun 2019 – Jun 2021
Make a brief introduction to the power electronics for high school graduates annually.
Jul 2019 – Jun 2021
Make a brief introduction to the CiPES center for college graduates annually.


Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters
See certificate
Advanced Converter Control Techniques
See certificate



Matlab/Simulink, LTspice, Altium Designer, PSIM


STM32F10x, DSPACE MicroLabBox, TMS320F28335, TMS320F28379, TMS280049(C)


Oscilloscope, Electronic Source/Load, Impedance Analyzer, Power Devices Analyzer, Power Analyzer, Data Logger
